My Hair Broke My Brush!
Let’s have a quick chat about thick, curly hair and hair brushes. Yes – the one topic that one curly-haired person wants to talk about. But guess what? My hair broke my brush and we’re going to talk about it.
It all started so innocently. I woke up this morning, began to get ready to go to the gym and put my hair in a ponytail. Then, all of a sudden, *POP*.
You see, I’ve had this Goody brush for quite some time. I’ve cleaned it, taken great care of it, and have cherished it. For me, it’s hard to find a good brush without spending tons of money, so when I found this brush at a Walmart a few years ago, I treated it like a child. But that all changed this morning when I had a Princess Mia moment (see below).
Photo Credit: Pinterest
Needless to say, I went to my local Rite Aid and settled. I settled for a Conair vent-style brush until I find one that is good for my hair type. And yes, there are tons of charts and images that show what brushes are ideal for different hair types, but everyone’s hair is different. That being said, be particular and when you find a brush you ~love,~ keep it!
*Review to Follow*