Intern SPR 2013: Latino U College Access :
As many of you know I have not been actively blogging since November 2012. To my loyal readers, I deeply apologize for my absence. Since November I have been interning for a brand new non-profit organization, Latino U College Access. The goal of the organization is to educate the Latino community in the local Westchester, NY area on the importance of an education. I absolutely love the organization and being a part of a movement that impacts many people, to include first generation Latino students.
Being an intern has taught me so much, and every day I learn something new. I was hired by the CEO/Founder, Shirley Buontempo at my university's career fair, and I am the developer of the organization's Facebook (Latino U College Access) and Twitter (LatinoUAccess). You can find daily tips and information on the college experience from admissions to financial aid to successful Latino grads (I call the, Latinos in the Spotlight)!
Take a moment to think back to your college admissions process and what you went through. Tough, huh? Visit our Facebook and Twitter to slip a peak at what Latino U can offer to Westchester community.
Be safe, choose wisely, and fill out your FAFSA!